Review of a New Book - Revelations from the Apocalypse by: Seven Star Hand©
The Christian Book of Revelation is a deceptive rewrite of a Hebrew symbolic wisdom text authored by the Teacher of Righteousness. Christianity, the New Testament, and Jesus Christ are false prophecy perpetrated by Rome. The Vatican is the evil and mysterious remnant of the Babylonian and Roman Empires symbolized in The Apocalypse and Book of Daniel. The Vatican rules Planet Earth through secret control of international banking, currencies, secret societies, and leading politicians. The Vatican secretly exploits all three faiths of Abraham, causing fear, conflict, and terrorism for religious, political, and financial gain.
The Tribe of Juda, whose symbol was the lion, were founders of ancient Israel and the most prominent and influential tribe until the Greeks and Romans invaded the area and eventually scattered the tribe to the four winds. The Old Testament begins as the history of African people, and the inseparable (one of the same) histories of Egypt, Ethiopia, Nubia, and Kush. The history occurred long before the influx of Greeks and Romans into Northern Africa. Everyone was dark-skinned and undeniably of African and/or Asian descent. The Roman Church via the Vatican is responsible history's identity theft--the Tribe of Juda. The proof comes to light if you--yourself would just take a look at Egyptian artifacts with defaced noses--to hide African identity.
The Essene/Yahad at Qumran--the community responsible for hiding The Dead Sea Scrolls were the source-point for the original Apocalypse. It was later modified to become the Christianized Book of Revelation. Most of the keys to the Apocalypse's symbolic code are found in the Old Testament. It really should have been the last book of the Old (Hebrew) Testament. It is the final Hebrew prophecy that permits us to unseal all of the previous texts and prove or disprove the veracity of Hebrew, Christian, and Islamic scripture. The Dead Sea Scrolls were the work of the Tribe of Juda (Wisdom Sect) and the Yahad, who were headquartered at the outpost community of Qumran.
There were zero--none--nil--naught European tribes enslaved in ancient Egypt. Nor were there any European tribes in Africa 6,000 years ago at the dawn of this "civilization"--the civilization you and I know. It is deceptive, delusional and fraudulent to assert any European Jew or Christian are from the root tribe of Juda. It is delusional for any European to claim God given rights to land that was originally settled by African and Semite slaves released from Egypt thousands of years ago. This was before there was an Israel; therefore, it was before any religion could be associated with Tribes of Israel or Juda.
St. Paul and his cohorts gathered information and stole materials with which to start their new religion, as well as to earn promised rewards from Roman backers. They viewed the Wisdom Texts of the Yahad/Essene as great treasure to be taken by whatever means necessary. The events of Paul led directly to the revolt against Rome and the destruction of Jerusalem, Qumran and Masada. Paul and his co-conspirators murdered Jacob and the Just One, Teacher of Righteous (The Messiah), Jerusalem and the surrounding countryside rose up in revolt.
After the destruction and looting of Jerusalem, the Second Temple, and the surrounding area by the Roman Army, materials from Qumran somehow ended up in the hands of the very people who were labeled as traitors and liars and who were proven Roman collaborators and agents. Roman soldiers had specific instructions to locate and return texts and other plunder intact. The Essene/Yahad texts were later rewritten by Rome to become The New Testament.
The Great Sphinx is the symbol for the Lion of the Tribe of Juda, and its African face is obvious and undeniable, regardless of repeated assertions that it is the image of later Egyptian pharaohs from Nubian rule. The symbol of the Pyramid and Shining eye is the same as the symbol for the ancient Priesthood of Marduk and the Great Red Dragon of Ancient Babylon.
The Vatican is the secret power center and capitol of the worldwide empire symbolized as Mystery Babylon in The Apocalypse. The Vatican is the true hidden ruler of Planet Earth and they are behind much terrorism, conflict, and suffering. They are the secret power behind Freemasonry, the Skull and bones, the Illuminati, the New World Order.
The Old Testament, The Apocalypse, The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Nag Hammadi Codexes, Hermetic Texts clearly display aspects of ancient structured symbolism.
The founders of Christianity--the Roman Church created Christianity by blending stolen Hebrew (Yahad/Essence) texts with long established "mystery-school" myths. Over time, the Roman Church fabricated a false messiah--now called Jesus Christ and false stories--called The New Testament to cover their tracks and hide the fact they and the Roman soldiers murdered the true Messiah and the true Saints, falsely accused the populations of ancient Israel/Palestine of crimes permitted by the founders of Christianity, their Roman masters, and the collaborators in the second Jerusalem Temple.
The Tribe of Yehuda (Juda) originates: There were many tribes enslaved in Egypt before the Exodus into ancient Palestine. Most came from Africa, and many returned there after the destruction of ancient Israel and Juda by Rome. The Tribe of Juda is the ancient tribe that is so prominent in the so-called Old Testament, Tanakh, The Dead Sea Scrolls, and The Apocalypse.
The skin colors in the area of North Africa, Egypt, and Palestine were eventually lightened over time by the influx of Greeks and Romans during the hundreds of years they controlled the area. It is much like the American slaves, who were "lifted" from Africa--the homeland of the ancient tribes of Yehuda. These are not the same tribes who represent the current populations of European Jews, Christians or any such claimants. The "Tribe of Juda" refers to a very specific people, not to any religion. That's why The Apocalypse specifically refers to the "root" of David and not the fruit of David's tree--the root tribe--not the house.
The priesthood of Belial (Satan and Lucifer) secretly controlled the Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman Empire, created and adopted Christianity as their primary religion. They subjugating and controlled all religions, money and politics. They eventually changed their name to the Vatican and re-established control over Eurasia through the same methods. This time their chief religion was Christianity.
When you look at the suffering and conflict in Africa and the Middle East, you should understand the Vatican fears the arrival of The Lion of the tribe of Juda and the revealing of the truth more than anything else. Compare the actions of Catholic priests against children and the recent actions of Christian soldiers against Muslim prisoners. Compare the actions of the State of Israel to the actions of Nazi Germany. Look at how easily followers of Islam are convinced becoming terrorists and suicide bombers serves "Allah." Little has changed from the days of the Crusades and the Inquisition, and the Creator has made sure that you will finally understand the truth about all religions.
The USA and European Union denotes the latest face of the Roman Empire exactly as foretold by ancient prophecies. The creation of the so-called "Modern State of Israel--1948" was a major step in grand deception and "The New World Order." The current war in Iraq and the continuing conflicts in Palestine and Israel are attempts to set the stage for a counterfeit and manufactured "Battle of Armageddon."
Euro-American world leaders have the gall to go before the world and claim they are surprised and betrayed over the killing and maiming of many tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis, Afghanis, and millions of Vietnamese, Native Americans, African slaves when they are the culprits. Currently, there is the hollow claim the Iraqi prison scandal was un-American. The Abu Ghraib incident completely ignores US history.
The Tribe of Juda, whose symbol was the lion, were founders of ancient Israel and the most prominent and influential tribe until the Greeks and Romans invaded the area and eventually scattered the tribe to the four winds. The Old Testament begins as the history of African people, and the inseparable (one of the same) histories of Egypt, Ethiopia, Nubia, and Kush. The history occurred long before the influx of Greeks and Romans into Northern Africa. Everyone was dark-skinned and undeniably of African and/or Asian descent. The Roman Church via the Vatican is responsible history's identity theft--the Tribe of Juda. The proof comes to light if you--yourself would just take a look at Egyptian artifacts with defaced noses--to hide African identity.
The Essene/Yahad at Qumran--the community responsible for hiding The Dead Sea Scrolls were the source-point for the original Apocalypse. It was later modified to become the Christianized Book of Revelation. Most of the keys to the Apocalypse's symbolic code are found in the Old Testament. It really should have been the last book of the Old (Hebrew) Testament. It is the final Hebrew prophecy that permits us to unseal all of the previous texts and prove or disprove the veracity of Hebrew, Christian, and Islamic scripture. The Dead Sea Scrolls were the work of the Tribe of Juda (Wisdom Sect) and the Yahad, who were headquartered at the outpost community of Qumran.
There were zero--none--nil--naught European tribes enslaved in ancient Egypt. Nor were there any European tribes in Africa 6,000 years ago at the dawn of this "civilization"--the civilization you and I know. It is deceptive, delusional and fraudulent to assert any European Jew or Christian are from the root tribe of Juda. It is delusional for any European to claim God given rights to land that was originally settled by African and Semite slaves released from Egypt thousands of years ago. This was before there was an Israel; therefore, it was before any religion could be associated with Tribes of Israel or Juda.
St. Paul and his cohorts gathered information and stole materials with which to start their new religion, as well as to earn promised rewards from Roman backers. They viewed the Wisdom Texts of the Yahad/Essene as great treasure to be taken by whatever means necessary. The events of Paul led directly to the revolt against Rome and the destruction of Jerusalem, Qumran and Masada. Paul and his co-conspirators murdered Jacob and the Just One, Teacher of Righteous (The Messiah), Jerusalem and the surrounding countryside rose up in revolt.
After the destruction and looting of Jerusalem, the Second Temple, and the surrounding area by the Roman Army, materials from Qumran somehow ended up in the hands of the very people who were labeled as traitors and liars and who were proven Roman collaborators and agents. Roman soldiers had specific instructions to locate and return texts and other plunder intact. The Essene/Yahad texts were later rewritten by Rome to become The New Testament.
The Great Sphinx is the symbol for the Lion of the Tribe of Juda, and its African face is obvious and undeniable, regardless of repeated assertions that it is the image of later Egyptian pharaohs from Nubian rule. The symbol of the Pyramid and Shining eye is the same as the symbol for the ancient Priesthood of Marduk and the Great Red Dragon of Ancient Babylon.
The Vatican is the secret power center and capitol of the worldwide empire symbolized as Mystery Babylon in The Apocalypse. The Vatican is the true hidden ruler of Planet Earth and they are behind much terrorism, conflict, and suffering. They are the secret power behind Freemasonry, the Skull and bones, the Illuminati, the New World Order.
The Old Testament, The Apocalypse, The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Nag Hammadi Codexes, Hermetic Texts clearly display aspects of ancient structured symbolism.
The founders of Christianity--the Roman Church created Christianity by blending stolen Hebrew (Yahad/Essence) texts with long established "mystery-school" myths. Over time, the Roman Church fabricated a false messiah--now called Jesus Christ and false stories--called The New Testament to cover their tracks and hide the fact they and the Roman soldiers murdered the true Messiah and the true Saints, falsely accused the populations of ancient Israel/Palestine of crimes permitted by the founders of Christianity, their Roman masters, and the collaborators in the second Jerusalem Temple.
The Tribe of Yehuda (Juda) originates: There were many tribes enslaved in Egypt before the Exodus into ancient Palestine. Most came from Africa, and many returned there after the destruction of ancient Israel and Juda by Rome. The Tribe of Juda is the ancient tribe that is so prominent in the so-called Old Testament, Tanakh, The Dead Sea Scrolls, and The Apocalypse.
The skin colors in the area of North Africa, Egypt, and Palestine were eventually lightened over time by the influx of Greeks and Romans during the hundreds of years they controlled the area. It is much like the American slaves, who were "lifted" from Africa--the homeland of the ancient tribes of Yehuda. These are not the same tribes who represent the current populations of European Jews, Christians or any such claimants. The "Tribe of Juda" refers to a very specific people, not to any religion. That's why The Apocalypse specifically refers to the "root" of David and not the fruit of David's tree--the root tribe--not the house.
The priesthood of Belial (Satan and Lucifer) secretly controlled the Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman Empire, created and adopted Christianity as their primary religion. They subjugating and controlled all religions, money and politics. They eventually changed their name to the Vatican and re-established control over Eurasia through the same methods. This time their chief religion was Christianity.
When you look at the suffering and conflict in Africa and the Middle East, you should understand the Vatican fears the arrival of The Lion of the tribe of Juda and the revealing of the truth more than anything else. Compare the actions of Catholic priests against children and the recent actions of Christian soldiers against Muslim prisoners. Compare the actions of the State of Israel to the actions of Nazi Germany. Look at how easily followers of Islam are convinced becoming terrorists and suicide bombers serves "Allah." Little has changed from the days of the Crusades and the Inquisition, and the Creator has made sure that you will finally understand the truth about all religions.
The USA and European Union denotes the latest face of the Roman Empire exactly as foretold by ancient prophecies. The creation of the so-called "Modern State of Israel--1948" was a major step in grand deception and "The New World Order." The current war in Iraq and the continuing conflicts in Palestine and Israel are attempts to set the stage for a counterfeit and manufactured "Battle of Armageddon."
Euro-American world leaders have the gall to go before the world and claim they are surprised and betrayed over the killing and maiming of many tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis, Afghanis, and millions of Vietnamese, Native Americans, African slaves when they are the culprits. Currently, there is the hollow claim the Iraqi prison scandal was un-American. The Abu Ghraib incident completely ignores US history.
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At 11:31 PM,
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